Blog Post Frequency will go down while Taking a Break for Summer Vacation

Tonight Elizabeth and I journey to New York State to see my Dad on Lake George.

I have been at this blog since the first part of 2003, and it is time for a break. As I am constantly insisting to my friends, none of us is indispensable, and this is a way of living that out by yours truly. Remember I told you I am the type of person who goes to bed every night just a little sad–only a little–about how much I don’t know (and still wish to find out). So moving away from the information addiction for me will not necessarily be easy–but it is important.

I will check in from time to time, but will be posting less (you are going to want to check in dailyish, though, for things such as tomorrow’s Supreme Court decision on Health Care). The elves are busy and will provide threads and ideas only as they are able. Full blogging will only resume July 5th which coincidentally(?), is the first day of General Convention 2012. Thanks for your prayers, your comments and your support–KSH.


Posted in * By Kendall, Harmon Family

4 comments on “Blog Post Frequency will go down while Taking a Break for Summer Vacation

  1. QohelethDC says:

    O God, in the course of this busy life, give us times of
    refreshment and peace; and grant that we may so use our
    leisure to rebuild our bodies and renew our minds, that our
    spirits may be opened to the goodness of your creation;
    through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. — BCP

  2. Karen B. says:

    Kendall, may your vacation be a time of wonderful refreshing, joy in family, and allowing the Lord to speak deeply into your life and renew your mind through His Word as you let some of the fast-pace and information slip by. I commend your taking a break!

    I just enjoyed a fantastic 3 day team retreat with much stillness in the Lord’s presence and it has so refreshed and energized me and allowed me to approach problems and challenges with fresh perspective and creativity upon my return to work. You know, I’d ALMOST hoped that your break was going to be longer and coincide with General Convention. I know the burn out it causes… , and I pray you won’t find the rest of the break being wiped out quickly by the stress and angst of GC.

    [On a personal note: I’m tempted to go into total Anglican blog fasting myself during GC, as we are in such a whirlwind time of change and transition with major personnel turnover (all planned and in God’s good time, but still hard) on our team and I’m needing to maximize time with people instead of being online… ]

    So thankful for you and your faithfulness and ministry. It is a great blessing. Thank you for your courage in taking a clear public stand for truth these past 9 years.

  3. SC blu cat lady says:

    Enjoy your vacation with Elizabeth!! I am sure can find things to do to keep busy and placate that information addiction. Have a great time.

  4. Cennydd13 says:

    Well at least you won’t be bothered by the black flies this time of year. They were terrible at Piseco Lake this spring.